Jonathan Buckley

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9 years 7 months

Jonathan Buckley is a Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur with a career focus on bringing highly disruptive B2B technologies to market. With a background in econometric modeling and business strategy, Jonathan has lead award winning marketing teams at many notable companies ranging from the three person co-founded garage IoT startup (since acquired) to a NASDAQ 100 networking company (since acquired). Using a balance of art and science in early product introductions, Jonathan and his Team at The Artesian Network, LLC. reliably help companies "Find Your Repeatable Business Model Faster."

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Watching the Watchers: Using Big Data to Track the Government

In today’s digital world, many people have become more worried about the possibility of having government agencies track them. Considering the controversy surrounding the leak of NSA programs that target U.S. citizens, these worries are not without reason. With the explosion of big data technologies, it has become easier than ever for governments to keep track of what their citizens are doing. It’s all in the effort of protection, at least in most circumstances, but it does have the feeling of violating personal privacy.

What Big Data Needs to be Coupled With to Actually be Useful

Big data has become tremendously popular with businesses these days. It’s the latest buzz term that everyone seems to be using to indicate their willingness to use new technology to improve their companies. That doesn’t make it bad; it just means that it’s a clear trend many are eager to become a part of. In fact, its transformative effect is very real despite the tendency of businesses to refer to it as if it were a shiny new toy. As revolutionary as big data analytics has been in just the past few years, some organizations may be misunderstanding how to truly get the most out of it.

Big Data's Ability to Tell a Story

To even suggest that the construction and communication of a story could one day be taken over by computers can lead to eye rolling and dismissive scoffs. After all, storytelling is a uniquely human activity, one that requires creativity, emotion, and a connection with the human audience. At first glance, computer could never replicate such a thing, right? The conventional wisdom, however, might be off in this case. With the rise of big data, new ways to create and tell stories have been developed, leading many to rethink what they previously held to be true about the art of storytelling.

How Apple is Using Big Data

Apple is often on the cutting edge of technological advances, so it probably shouldn't be a surprise that the company uses big data extensively. Having said that, it’s important to note that it wasn’t always this way. Other businesses like Google were heavily involved in big data years before Apple took the leap, but Apple has worked tirelessly to catch up to the competition. Now, the company has become enmeshed in big data analytics, with the technology driving many of their most important decisions. It’s true that Apple remains highly secretive about how they use big data in many cases, but that hasn’t prevented some interesting insights from being divulged.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Big Data in the Cloud Platform

Big data seems to be all the rage these days. The same can be said of cloud computing. So it only stands to reason that the two would be brought together as companies start to realize just how effective both are at improving growth and increasing the chances for success. Big data platforms delivered via the cloud have become more and more popular over the past few years for good reason. Businesses see the value big data analytics and ad hoc analysis can offer, and one of the best ways to use it is to adopt a cloud platform for it. Deciding on using big data in the cloud is a relatively straightforward choice for organizations to make.

Proper Data Insights Need Tools and Talent

Contrary to popular belief, the big data process isn’t a funnel. For whatever reason, we’ve come to think the more information we dump in from the top, the more actionable, quality insights will come out through the bottom. That just isn’t the case. We’re creating more data every day than any other point in history, but not all of this information is a golden opportunity. Most of it’s just noise. The real key to success is being able to navigate through the clutter and determine what pieces of information are pertinent.  

How Retailers are Creating a 360-degree Shopping Experience

Competition in the retail world is as cutthroat as ever. With so many retailers out there, the race is on to reach as many customers as possible with the best offers possible. Businesses that go into this race expecting to use traditional methods, however, will quickly find themselves falling behind the rest of the pack. We live in a much different world now where customers are more knowledgeable and empowered than ever before. Thanks to the internet, consumers can find out all they want to know about specific products before ever deciding to purchase them. This has forced retailers to raise their game when it comes to wooing current and prospective customers.