March 2020

SEO for Business: What Google Analytics Can Tell You

If you’re an individual or business looking to amplify your presence in the digital space, chances are you’ve looked into search engine optimization (SEO) as one of the first steps to drive more traffic to your business’ website. It's important to produce content for the keywords which are related to your industry. For example, SimplyRest which is primarily a mattress guide website also continuously  produces quality sleep related content.

Reevaluate the way you do SEO. What changes does 2020 has brought to it?

Online competition continues to increase amid the rampant growth of new websites and pages. According to, WordPress alone gets more than 2 million posts published every day. Or 24 posts every second!

This means that it is more difficult than ever for you to get your blog to the top of the search engine result page (SERP).

Your website must meet certain criterion set by search engines to be successful. And SEO is easily the most important part of it.

The Importance of Optimizing your Landing Pages for Mobile

A landing page appears when a user clicks on organic or paid search results. These pages usually have a specific purpose. As such, they should include a strong call-to-action, user-centric design, and simplified navigation. However, in today’s hyperconnected era, just designing a landing page is not enough. With the rise of mobile searchers, you will need to optimize it for smaller screens, as well.

In this article, you will learn why optimizing landing pages for mobile is important and how to do it right.