March 2023

Java Developer Survey Reveals Increased Need for Java Productivity Solutions

MINNEAPOLIS, March 23, 2023 — Perforce Software, a provider of solutions to enterprise teams requiring productivity, visibility, and scale along the development lifecycle, released their 11th annual Java landscape survey — the 2023 Java Developer Productivity Report.

The report outlines the top tools and technologies supporting the Java ecosystem, as well as emerging trends and their impacts on overall developer productivity. 

Mastodon: The Long Way Back to Medium

At the risk of dating myself, I’ve been writing and posting articles online since the 1980s. Back then we didn’t have the Internet but we did have dial-up modems and bulletin board systems (BBS) hosted by computer enthusiasts. When the Internet, blogging, and self-hosted websites became popular in the late 1990's and early 2000’s I was also there. For awhile I hosted a website focused on content management systems that in its peak easily received over 100,000 unique visitors a month.