If you are not taking video seriously, you're about to miss out on a major business opportunity. A recent study by Google and Millward Brown Digital suggested that 70% of B2B buyers and researchers are watching videos throughout their path to purchase. That's a 52% jump in only two years. And it's not just light viewing either.
The study found that over 895K hours of top B2B videos were watched in 2014. Nearly half the researchers viewed 30 minutes or more of B2B video content during their research process and one in five viewed over over an hour of content. In the B2C space, roughly 6 in 10 adults say they watch videos when they visit a brand website with video content, and 4 in 10 prefer watching a brand video over reading the same information.
With this rapid growth in online video consumption, effective management of video content becomes vital. A critical solution to enable this is the integration between your CMS and your online video management platforms (OVMPs) like Brightcove, Youtube and Vimeo.
With this in mind, Mike Marmar and Melvin Monteiro of Kanban Solutions explain in their blog (on Hippo Labs) how a Hippo CMS project can leverage the power of Brightcove video cloud to enable personalized delivery of video content. Brightcove is an enterprise-class online video management platform (OVMP) that enables easy management and distribution of video content. This SaaS platform provides video file transcoding, device detection, video hosting and CDN service for distribution and syndication, in-depth analytics and player customizations.
Integrating Brightcove with Hippo CMS will allow a user to browse, search and add videos from Brightcove without importing the actual video content. This not only provides a seamless and familiar interface to content authors, but also opens up the possibility to use Hippo's analytics, multivariate testing and other capabilities to assess the performance of your videos against business goals.
This lab post explores how to:
Create the plugin entrypoint
Set up the Video Provider framework
Implement the video provider
Implement supporting classes
Patch External Link Picker
Render the View
The post also includes hints on how you can configure other video providers like vimeo and youtube.