Learn Bootstrap to Make PSD to HTML Conversions Less of a Headache

PSD to HTML Conversion

There is always some new technology in the website development realm. This is probably because website development is the most demanded of services currently. Everyone wants a website in this day and era. There are corporations that want to build an online presence and bloggers who want to share their opinions concerning this and the other. Web development and design is not what it used to be some ten years ago. There are so many things that have changed and all in a bid to make the quality of the products so much better.

The diversification of technologies and frameworks for web development has been of great advantage to companies that use them. This is why the technological development continues to grow each day. Let’s take for instance the CSS frameworks. They play a particularly huge role on the internet platforms where the technicians have always needed frameworks that provided a solid foundation to work with. There are several of these CSS frameworks but there is one that has won the hearts of many a website developer- Twitter Bootstrap. It ranks highly among the most recommended CSS frameworks.

Enter PSD to HTML conversions

PSD to HTML conversions are not about to die. This is even with the presence of WordPress themes which seemingly eliminate the need for such activities. For a host of website developers all over the world, Bootstrap is a fantastic tool whose crucial nature can never be overstated. The best thing about it is its usefulness in PSD to HTML conversion. It is being sought after with a keen desire all over the world for this conversion activity. At the top of many developers’ agenda is converting PSD files into HTML websites that are compatible with a variety of platforms.

In this day and era, if your website cannot be accessed through different devices (which basically means different platforms) then you should not expect any success from it. A highly responsive website is also very important. A majority of people access the internet through mobile devices. For both responsiveness and cross-platform compatibility, you will need a neatly constructed CSS code and that is where Bootstrap comes in to save the day. When it comes to creating CSS codes that offer the highly required responsiveness to any site Bootstrap does the trick.

There is practically no reason why you should not choose to work with Twitter Bootstrap. Some of the best of the reasons include:

  • You can create responsive layouts with seamless ease especially when compared to other tools

  • Cross browser compatibility is also guaranteed at all times.

  • Understanding and reproducing the overall code patterns that are created using this tool will be so easy.

  • Bootstrap’s CSS code is fantastically documented

  • Upgrading of the framework will not involve some complicated set up either. You can do it with such effortlessness as well.

There is a multitude of elements in the Base CSS that can potentially include tables, forms, buttons, typography and other items. Furthermore, within the components section you are presented with several sub components which include navigational tabs, dropdown, modals, progress bars, button groups, type head, alerts, page headers and a lot more.

Responsive style language

Bootstrap is also based on the LESS style sheet language. This has proven to be a completely smoother and much more responsive than the other style languages available. This language is written in JavaScript. This fact alone makes it all the more popular considering the fact that talented web developers from all corners of this planet know their way around JS extremely well. Apart from being good at JavaScript you are going to need a fair understanding of HTML and CSS though.

Learn Bootstrap

This is the age of information. There is an abundance of online resources that will give you a good understanding of the Bootstrap components. This is aside from providing you with insight into the CSS and HTML features that you will need to learn for the implementation of Bootstrap. Some of the best of these resources include:

  1. W3resources: This is a user friendly tutorial that will give you more than just a rough idea about what Bootstrap is all about. The most basic of concepts are explained to you in a detailed manner. You can only imagine what the other concepts that are required to create high-end CSS are. To learn the interaction of Bootstrap with the various JS plug-ins then this tutorial is going to come in really handy.

  2. GIT Hub site: It makes a lot more sense to go to the official GitHub site for guidance on how to use Bootstrap. For people who need more than just the basic understanding of Bootstrap and its workings this is the resource to use. You will get to delve into the more complicated concepts regarding this amazing tool.

  3. Webdesign.TutsPlus: This resource provides you with video tutorials and you probably know video tutorials are always the best. They are more intuitive and they make learning a particular technology easier. The video tutorial available here will touch on all the components of Bootstrap. It is a comprehensive guide that will make Bootstrap learning so much easier. It is designed for novices though.

Understanding Twitter Bootstrap will make PSD to HTML conversions a walk in the park. There are many occasions when you might be forced to carry out these conversions and it helps a lot to be prepared. Remember, as a web designer/developer you will meet various clients with different needs. Bootstrap is the tool to get when you are faced with the complexities of PSD to HTML conversion.


Bootstrap is a very handy tool that helps to create highly responsive sites that are compatible with a variety of platforms. This is what ever web developer strives to achieve. Bootstrap makes it possible to achieve this end with impressive ease. It makes conversion of PSD files to HTML websites an easy activity. It is a piece that every web developer must have in their toolkits.

Author Bio - Sourabh Sharma is a web consultant who is associated with psdconversion.net, a sister company of Ethane Web Technologies. He loves sharing his experience about web design & development through blogging. You can also find him on Twitter @SourabhSharmaji