I wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I've been very fortunate to see CMS Report's numbers of visitors grow as much as it has this past year. While I don't always have all the CMS answers out there, I hopefully have shown that I do have the enthusiasm to keep plugging away. Better yet, I've been able to connect with some people who are just as obsessed as I am with content management systems and other information systems. This year has been a good one!
While my enthusiasm for CMS remains, once again it is time to turn this computer off and rest my weary eyes. I put in some long hours last week at my real job and I need the break. The week started with a software load on our operational systems with a post-install that never seemed to quit. It was one of those weeks that leave you with just one thought: "I hate computers". Those of you in the IT business know the kind of week I'm talking about so I don't think I need to explain further.
To regain my love for computers, I plan to use the holidays to also take another week-long break from IT. I may do a few minor post here or there, but don't expect too much. Perhaps, it is also time for you to turn your computer off and rest your eyes too? Go ahead, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate and take the break you deserve. Three out of five IT professionals recommend it.
Once again, Happy Holidays and I'll see you again as we approach 2007!