Mobile App Maintenance: A Critical Element In Any App’s Success

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Mobile App Maintenance: A Critical Element In Any App’s Success

Have a mobile app for your business? How do you handle a major OS update like Android Oreo 8.0 or iOS 11? How do you add a new feature to your app after it has been uploaded on the app stores? How do you push security patches for new vulnerabilities? These questions need to be properly addressed to ensure an app’s success in the long run.

The bottom line is that you have to constantly keep working on your app even after it is released on the app stores to ensure it meets the success you had envisioned during its development. To achieve that requires performing a list of activities and tasks by your in-house or external mobile app development team. But before getting into the importance of mobile app maintenance, let’s find out what it means.

What Is The Big Deal About Mobile App Maintenance?

Mobile apps have to be regularly monitored, refined, fixed and updated to retain the performance and user base to the optimum. You cannot just develop your mobile app and put it on auto-pilot mode. Just like computer software, you will need to tune your app to various changes that happen in the mobile app ecosystem. It will cover a wide range of operations like fixing bugs, optimizing the app to user preferences, adding new features, releasing updates and so on. For eg:- taking advantage of Apple’s recent app store product page redesign with iOS11.

Generally, the app development service that created your mobile app will offer you a mobile app maintenance contract. Either you should stick to the team that developed your app or get it done by another experienced app maintenance services provider.

Now that you know how things work, let’s discuss the importance of mobile app maintenance. Any app needs to be serviced regularly for the sake of its survival.

The Importance Of Mobile App Maintenance

It doesn’t matter if you have a commercial app or a custom enterprise app. It is really important to constantly keep a vigil on your app and carry out efficient app maintenance. Below are some of the critical ways app maintenance contributes to your mobile app’s smooth functioning and success.

Mobile App Maintenance Is Mandatory

Keeping up with the rapid developments in the mobile app ecosystem can be intimidating if you don’t have the right resources or plan of execution. You would not want your app to crash on the latest operating systems from Apple and Google and be abandoned by your valuable customers. Users get easily annoyed if you app becomes slow or drains their device battery and are likely to uninstall your app altogether and use a competitor’s app.

It would be in your best interest to properly maintain your mobile app either with a dedicated in-house team or avail mobile app maintenance and support services from a third party agency.

Read More About Mobile Maintenance Here.