Last week, someone that goes by the name of Anti sent me an e-mail stating that she finally got a copy of the John K. Vandyk's and Matt Westgate's Drupal book, Pro Drupal Development. To my surprise she also congratulated me for being quoted on the inside front cover. Having a quote by me included in the book was a welcome surprise.
I knew the publisher liked my first impressions of the book that I included in a post a couple months ago. However, I had no idea I would be quoted in a second print of the Pro Drupal Development nor what would be quoted. Since I obviously bought the book before I had anything worthy to say about the book, my copy of the book does not have a quote by me.
I asked Anti to scan the inside cover of the book for me so I could have a look. Well it looks as if they wanted a quote that might influence those buyers watching their pocket book more closely trying to decide whether to buy the book or not.
This book is well worth the money you'll be spending on it.
Wow...inspiring words of wisdom. I'm sure these words will help make authors rich beyond their wildest dreams. Oh well. If you can't tell I had hoped if I was ever quoted in a book I would have had something "better" to say. At least I can say, I'm in the Drupal book! My mother is very proud of me.