For some time I have wanted to promote and write about a new Drupal site that went online recently. The site carries a similar mission I've tried to have with my own sites where those from competing projects, products, and organizations can come together for discussion. In this case, a site with the desire to build a "place for those of us interested in open source solutions and community issues". The site is
What makes this Drupal site interesting is that one of the more vocal founders of the site, Amy Stephen, is a Joomla! fanatic. Also, one of the primary builders of the site, HarryB, is a Wordpress and Joomla fan who has hit a home run with this being his first Drupal site. Make no mistake, the people who have invested their time on this site do have their own special interests to promote and it isn't necessarily Drupal. However, they have put those special interests aside to come up with a site they hope to benefit developers and users of various open source projects. Anyone who has interest in open source no matter where they originate can sign up for their own blog.
While you're visiting the site, you'll want to check out this first post from a very intelligent, witty, and charming open source user. :-) I plan to occasionally post on the site on open source topics that don't exactly fit in the world of content management systems., I hope the very best for this site.
Editor's note: The website is no longer running. Links have been removed from this article.