Sacha Chua on Enterprise 2.0, Drupal, and the Head Shot

Partial Screenshot from Sacha's SiteSeth Gottlieb, Content Here, recently turned me on to Sacha Chua and her blog.  Sacha is an Enterprise 2.0 consultant and application developer for IBM and she also happens to be a very good blogger.  What makes her blog interesting, besides being well written, is her posts on corporate use of social technologies given from the perspective of her generation, the Millennials (latest hip word for Generation Y).

While some organizations are still debating about introducing Web 2.0 technologies to their employees, this newest generation now entering the workforce is likely to expect that such technologies are already available to them for use in their daily work tasks.  While the use of information technology is often viewed by companies in terms of staying competitive and a requirement for implementing strategic plans, the technologies are also increasingly becoming an essential tool for the human resources department.  If you're expecting to attract and keep bright educated Millennials such as Sacha within your organization, you then need to better understand how people in her work cohort are likely to process the work given.

Besides Sacha's Enterprise 2.0 perspective there is a wide range of other topics that she covers.  She gives great blogging advice and it's the little things that will keep you coming back to read more.  For example, even Sacha's discussion about a good head shot got me thinking of what I can do to improve my own sites. I also enjoy that she is a Wordpress users.  I even enjoy more that she is a Wordpress user that has just found Drupal.  I'm looking forward to seeing if Drupal will be a new obsession for Sacha or just another tool for her to use in her work.