TYPO3 4.0.1 was released to address some bugs as well as make some slight improvements over last April's 4.0 release. The Enterprise content management system contains the following new features and improvements in 4.0.1:
- Compatibility
- Parameters for showpic can now be disabled
- FORM submit buttons with images are now valid XHTML
- Installation/Upgrade
- The TYPO3 upgrade wizard better clarifies the upgrade process and functionality
- typo3temp/ subdirectories are created automatically now
- Improved support for Oracle
- Updated AdoDB to 4.90
- Backend Skin
- BE admin module provides better support for skins
- The BE now correctly highlights the current page in IE6.
- Bugfixes
- Corrected some HTTP status codes
- Charset for mails works now
I'm not a TYPO3 user, so I would be glad to hear from any readers who wish to leave comments about this new version of TYPO3 or TYPO3 in general.