
Inflation hits Cyber Weekend 2022 with goods rising and sales slipping

New York, December 1, 2022 - Nosto, the leading Commerce Experience Platform (CXP), has released its annual Black Friday Cyber Monday (BFCM) 2022 data.

Analyzing more than 107 million website visits to 1,269 online stores during the BFCM weekend that use Nosto’s CXP (which includes merchants in North America, United Kingdom, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific), they found that, while the BFCM weekend saw encouraging year-over-year growth in overall traffic (global +5.4%, NA +12.5%), sales (global +8.9%, NA +14.7%), and average order value (global +6.2%, NA +10.6%), inflationary pressures pushed the average selling price up (NA +8.5%), dragging down unit sales year-on-year (global -4.8%, NA -9.3%)[1].

Post-Pandemic: Consumers spend less and are more selective

London UK; 28th June 2022: Consumers are spending less and are more selective with their purchases, while 79% say they were more forgiving about delivery experiences during the pandemic. That’s according to new data from delivery experience platform Sorted, which unveiled the current consumer ecommerce and delivery trends in the face of the rising cost of goods.

Quoting IT: Andy Grove on Job Creation

"You could say, as many do, that shipping jobs overseas is no big deal because the high-value work—and much of the profits—remain in the U.S. That may well be so. But what kind of a society are we going to have if it consists of highly paid people doing high-value-added work—and masses of unemployed?"

Andy Grove, Intel CEO 1987-2005, Andy Grove: How America Can Create Jobs, BusinessWeek, July 1, 2010

Despite economy, online ad revenue grows

Good news for sites that make a little money by allowing advertising on their pages.  Though, personally I've seen a drop in online ad revenue despite not doing too bad with the number of visitors I'm getting.

Despite an economic turndown, online advertising--and search in particular--is managing to keep its market intact, according to reports on Tuesday by an industry trade group and Wall Street analyst. 

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