Kimberly Grimms

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9 years 1 month

I am a futurist who spends most of my time monitoring social behavior in search of new consumers and trends. I use the information to create viral and useful content. I mostly address young professionals, educating them easy to digest content about investing, technology, and home improvement. I also share the latest and upcoming trends in the global market.

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SEO for Business: What Google Analytics Can Tell You

If you’re an individual or business looking to amplify your presence in the digital space, chances are you’ve looked into search engine optimization (SEO) as one of the first steps to drive more traffic to your business’ website. It's important to produce content for the keywords which are related to your industry. For example, SimplyRest which is primarily a mattress guide website also continuously  produces quality sleep related content.

20 Common Content Marketing Mistakes To Avoid in 2020

What's your content marketing strategy for 2020? Will there be white papers and long-form videos, case studies, and podcasts? Before you get busy, take stock of possible mistakes you may have committed in 2019 and learn to avoid them by 2020. 

Content marketing mistakes may range from something as significant as posting a distasteful ad to something minor such as failing to repurpose content. Either way, you should avoid or stop committing the following common content marketing mistakes:

10 Profound Reasons Why Nerds Rule Digital Marketing

How do you spot a modern Einstein? Thick glasses, braces, tucked shirts in high-waist pants, walks fast and always slouching—these are the typical geeks that Hollywood presented to the world. But such descriptions do not hold true these days.

They are no longer just stuck in a basement inventing a time travel machine. They are no longer just looking at a blackboard trying to solve the most complex math problems. There are also digital nerds, and they are as cool as the guys we hang out with on a Friday night. These tech-savvy individuals rule what we now know as digital marketing, which is practically a nerd’s world.

How Digital Marketing Companies Can Help Your Business

As a business owner, you are well aware of the importance of promoting your business online. You know that it’s necessary to go where your competitors are going if you don’t want your business left eating dust. It’s high time that you exert full effort in shifting from traditional to digital type of marketing. The problem is, you’re not so confident with your online marketing skills and you’re also too busy to do it hands-on.