Update: A recording of January's show can now be found on the CMS-Connected site. Also, a continued video discussion on Joomla! can be found here at CMS Report.
This Wednesday, January 23rd, CMS-Connected will be live broadcasting its monthly webcast featuring news, trends and commentary related to the content management industry. The show is regularly hosted by Scott Liewehr and Tyler Pyburn which both do a great job delivering a very fast paced one-hour show covering a wide range of topics. I'm pleased to announce that starting this month, I will be a periodic guest for their "In the Spotlight" segment where provides a 10-minute focus on a specific content management system. For the January show, we'll be shining the light on Joomla!, a very popular open source CMS.
Given that I'm more comfortable behind a keyboard or in the audience, agreeing to go live on the air for CMS-Connected is somewhat of a gamble for me personally as well as for CMS Report. I'm going to predict either huge success or great failure for my part on the segment and not much of anywhere in between. For most of the CMSs I cover here on CMS Report, I am not the export and almost always I find myself as an outsider looking into the world of content management. So why am I here? I think it's all about bringing my passion as a user of CMSs to the show. My talent has always been to acknowledge those with more talent than me, to respect those in the development community that make this software work, and to trust that my enthusiasm for the industry will carry me and fellow users like me the rest of the way. It's about time we see what a CMS enthusiast can bring to a show that traditionally features highly talented content management and content strategy experts.
So if you have some online time on Wednesday, January 23 at 11:30 am CST (that's 12:30 pm EST / 9:30 an PST for you ocean people) I highly encourage you to register for the upcoming live show. This month, CMS-Connected will be covering predictions of what to expect in 2013 as well as examining the latest WCM trends and hot topics surrounding the industry. Who was hot and who was not in 2012 and what ‘cool’ new Web CMS features and benefits will the vendors thrust upon us in 2013? Can we expect to see some long-awaited trends finally come to fruition? Who’s going to shake things up with a new technology or yet another acronym for us to absorb?
January’s show promises to bring commentary on the latest news from in and around the Web CMS industry and besides regular Hosts Scott Liewehr and Tyler Pyburn , and special guest Cathy McKnight from Digital Clarity Group. There are some great people on this show which is why it's one of my favorite webcasts to watch. In fact, if you missed the last month's special episode on How to Select a CMS System I highly encourage you to watch it. I think it's probably one of the best videos out there for buyers, stake holders, and users to view when considering their next investments into a CMS.