WordPress.com Premium Plan now offering Google Analytics

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WordPress.com Premium Plan now offering Google Analytics

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Google Analytics on WordPress.com isn't just for big business anymore 

Google Analytics in WordPress

After years of maintaining and hosting my own WordPress and Drupal sites myself, last year I decided to give WordPress.com a trial run for one of my websites. I opted to subscribe to WP's Premium plan over their Business plan. The initial quantity of content for my website was low and I could not justify the higher cost of the Business plan for this site.

Overall, my experience with WordPress.com has been pleasing. While it may be cheaper to host and manage your own website (WordPress is available as free open source software), there is definitely less hassle with letting WordPress the service do the heavy lifting for you. I can see a day coming where I host all my WordPress sites on WordPress.com.

This week, Wordpress.com announced that Google Analytics is now available in Premium. Prior to this announcement, my only complaint about the Premium plan had been the lack of Google Analytics as this feature only came with WP's higher priced plans. It really didn't make sense to me that in order to utilize Google Analytics on WordPress.com those of us on the Premium plan had to subscribe to the next level at a cost three times higher than our current plan! Well, my right to complain over WordPress.com's feature choices ended today.

Good news! The Web's most powerful data tool is now at your fingertips. And since your website poweredbybattery.com is already on our Premium plan, even more in-depth site data comes at no extra cost to you. 

In just a few clicks, you'll have instant access to hundreds of new reports to help you grow traffic, engage site visitors, generate more leads, and convert more sales...

With just a few necessary clicks (Tools > Marketing > Google Analytics), I naturally took advantage of this new feature available in my plan. I'm probably one of the first of WP's Premium customers to start utilizing Google Analytics but I'm sure many will follow. If you already subscribe to WP Premium, I'd encourage you to take advantage of Google Analytics integrated with your website.

Details about Google Analytics within WordPress can be found here with the service also offers a step-by-step guide. If you are considering building a website with WordPress.com, please use this easy affiliate link of mine to get you started.