Unique Landing Pages All Web Designers Can Learn From

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Unique Landing Pages All Web Designers Can Learn From

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After a time, all landing pages start to take on a similar look and feel. You see a beautiful headline, sharp layout, some descriptive content and a call to action (CTA) button. In fact, many designers use css frames that make designs look even more familiar due to layout and features.

A unique landing page can help users sit up and take notice. They see something is different about this page and wonder what they can learn that’s new. One of the best ways to figure out how to create a page that is different from your competitors is studying the unique pages of other designers. 

How Do You Create a Unique Landing Page?

The average conversion rate for landing pages is 7.9%, although the numbers can vary depending on industry. Although technically you’re competing for the attention of a limited pool of consumers in a crowded marketplace, you are really only competing with your own numbers.

Take a look at what your conversion rates are and then strive to improve them little by little as you tweak your landing page to best suit your target audience’s needs. 

1. Know Your Goal

Before you try to create a unique page, you have to know what your goal is for the landing page. What action do you want visitors to take when they see the page? If you try to do too much at one time, your users may feel confused and unsure of where to go next.

Think about the top pain point you’d like to solve with your offer on your landing page. Address the user through your headline, provide just enough content to grab their interest and move right to conversion. 

Many landing pages try to do too much. Your page will be unique if you keep it hyperfocused on the topic at hand. 


Source: https://www.edapp.com/signup/free

EdApp is an alternative to sites such as Udemy. Their “Get Started for FREE” landing page puts the focus on trying a bite-sized course for your team. The target audience is business owners who might want to create their own content or train their staff in a new technique. 

Note how the page doesn’t add a bunch of other elements. There is no menu to distract from the purpose of the landing page. The description is fairly basic. The sign up form is short and to the point. The CTA button pops against the white background. The page also has plenty of negative space so the user’s eye is drawn to where the designer wants it to focus. 

2. Engage Users

Today’s consumers expect more from brands than ever before. Anything you can do to embrace new tech and interact with your clients gives them something solid to embrace. Your landing page needs to grab their interest or you risk them bouncing away to a competitor’s site. 

Fortunately, there are many ways to engage your site visitors. You can offer a tool they can’t resist, use lead magnets to collect their information or even create a game or show progress on an order they’ve placed. 


Source: https://www.recipe-costing.com

RecipeCosting.com is a software that lets food-based service companies track the cost of their supplies so they can ensure a profit. The software lets restaurants build recipes and cross check inventory to see what works best. You can also track inventory and make adjustments to ingredients as makes the most sense for profit. 

Their landing page is geared to engage a restaurant owner or meal delivery service company. They offer a free demo and they showcase clear information about what they provide. 

3. Offer Sneak Peaks

Do you sell a service that people might be a little uncertain about investing in? Perhaps there are multiple competitors. Offering free demos and sneak peeks so people can try out what you’re selling.

People may feel uncertain about how your product or service can change their situation. Giving them an option that requires zero commitment is the best way to convince them what you offer is superior. 


Source: https://vimeo.com/enterprise

Vimeo targets their business customers by showing how they are an all-in-one video solution. They offer a video clip that shows a demo of what they do. There is also a popup chat feature on their landing page to seek additional help should you need it. 

4. Use a Z-Pattern

Most English-speakers read down your page in a Z pattern. You don’t have to fill every inch of space to have an impact. You just need to know they tend to start in the upper left across, zag diagonally down the page and then read from left to right again. 

Understanding the eye patterns of users gives you an opportunity to focus on the most important elements on the page and place them where readers are likely to see them. 


Source: https://landing.sendinblue.com/mailchimp

Sendinblue understands one segment of their audience is people who are using or considering Mailchimp and want to know the difference between the two services. They feature a landing page that compares the two services and serves as a lead generation tool.

They utilize a Z-pattern for the page, placing the headline at the top and adding details as the person reads down the page. They end with a CTA button. 

Improving Your Landing Page

You can learn a lot by studying some of the top landing pages around. However, the best way to make sure your page is unique and perfectly meets your visitors’ needs is by paying attention to analytics.

Which areas of the page do people click on? Can you change anything to make some sections more effective? Try different layouts, colors and wording. Conduct split testing to see what performs best. Over time, your landing page will become a lead-generating machine.